ISO 37301 Compliance Management Systems Certification

ISO 37301 Compliance Management Systems Certification

ISO 37301 sets out the requirements and provides guidelines for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining, and improving an effective compliance management system (CMS) within an organization.

Leadership should promote compliant behavior within the organization based on the organization’s core values and the implementation of the required measures to foster such behavior. This ensures a positive culture of compliance in line with ISO standards.

When jurisdictions have occurred in an organization, many courts have considered the organization’s commitment to compliance based on their Compliance Management System (CMS) before deciding on the appropriate penalty to be imposed for contraventions of relevant laws and regulations. Thus, not only organizations but also regulatory and judicial bodies can benefit from this standard as a benchmark for good governance and proportionality.

This standard is intended to be adaptable, and implementation can differ depending on the size and level of maturity of an organization’s compliance management system and on the context, nature, and complexity of the organization’s activities and objectives. It promotes continuous improvement to ensure the effective compliance management systems are maintained and aligned with evolving ISO 37301:2021 requirements.

Organizations want to work and collaborate with companies they can trust, and trust is built on a company culture of doing the right thing, where every employee contributes because they understand and believe in the importance of it. Central to this is good leadership and clear values, which have to come from the top.

– Source: Howard Shaw, Chair of the ISO technical committee on Governance (ISO TC 309)

Top 3 Management System standards that can be integrated with ISO 37301

Some of the ISO 37301 certification benefits


Improves business opportunities and sustainability


Helps on quickly and effectively address compliance issues


Increases the confidence of third parties in the organization’s capacity to achieve sustained success


Ensures legislative and regulatory compliance


Build customer trust, loyalty, and satisfaction

Some of the industries that can benefit the most

Certification process Step-by-Step

Stage 1

Review of the Management System

MSECB will conduct a review of the Management System to look for the main form of documentation

Stage 2

Audit is performed

An audit is performed by us to verify that your organization is in conformity with the requirements   of the standard

Stage 3

Certification is granted

Upon verifying that your organization is in conformity with the requirements of the standard, a Management System Certification is granted

Not sure where to begin? Start here.​

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