ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Systems Certification

ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Systems Certification

ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management Systems standard ensures organizations keep information assets secure, by building an information infrastructure against the risks of loss, damage or any other threat to your assets.

Companies that obtain ISO/IEC 27001 certification validate that the security of financial information, intellectual property, employee details, or information entrusted from third parties is being successfully managed and continually improved according to best practice approaches and framework.

Certification to the
ISO/IEC 27001 standard had an increase by 22% from 2019.

– Source: ISO Survey 2020

Top 3 Management System standards that can be integrated
with ISO/IEC 27001

Some of the ISO/IEC 27001 certification benefits

Keeps intellectual property and valuable information secure

Secures exchange of information


Ensures you are meeting your legal obligations


Manages and minimizes risk exposure

Cost savings for rework, damages, and waste

Some of the Industries that can benefit the most

Healthcare sector

Financial industry

Data centers

Hosting or cloud computing

Certification process Step-by-Step

MSECB, ISO Certification process

Review of the ISMS

MSECB will conduct a review of the ISMS to look for the main form of documentation

MSECB, ISO Certification process

Audit is performed

An audit is performed by us to verify that your organization is in conformity with the requirements of the standard

MSECB, ISO Certification process

Certification is granted

Upon verifying that your organization is in conformity with the requirements of the standard, a Management System Certification is granted

Not sure where to begin? Start here.​

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